22 August, 2008

Returning to Normal?

OK, it has been awhile. I have been here, quietly working away but my life has not been my own. All three kids graduated in May/June and my parents were here from Australia for that. Then my husband was home for the summer. Now the kids have all returned to school, including my youngest who we dropped off at college for his freshman year. That was a tough one.

But I'm all ready to get back into sewing, beading, painting, working, etc. The North Suburban NeedleArts Guild is participating in the Fine Art of Fiber show coming up soon. We were asked to create a 5" square to be attached with other 5" squares that will be displayed as an example of the type of work that we do. Here is my entry.


Timaree said...

Beautiful piece you made here. The transition from large flowers to small beaded flowers is great.

a2susan said...

Hi, Cindy. Sounds like lots of transitions going on in your life. My kids are moving on, too, and every year they stay away from home longer and spend less time when they're here. I know it's what they're supposed to do, but it can be hard letting go. Maybe that'll be the theme for my first piece, letting go...or transitions...
Yours, Susan

The Lone Beader® said...

I love all the little flowers! How cute!

mariasangel said...

oooo! i really like this piece! Love the colors and the flower sequins/beads over the printed fabric! i just adore layers and transitions!--Maria